Saturday, May 14, 2011

make some noise

good morning. with summer just around the corner, i look forward to the heat waves and sun burns to come, but worry ab the state of sports during the summer here in raleigh. without a professional baseball team closer than atlanta, and colleges on break, i worry if the durham bulls are capable of fulfilling a 3 month sports black hole...only time will tell.

ive had the yogi bear movie from neflix sitting here since easter, as much as i love the voice duo of dan akyord and justin timberlake, it could be sitting here a little while longer.

hot sauce committee part 2, brought to you by the one and only beastie boys, is a great album that fits perfectly in their catalog, and puts "to the 5 boroughs"father estranged from the rest of their work.

is there any guilt to be had for somewhat enjoying the bruno mars album?

osama is dead, our president has a birth certificate, and somehow donald trump is worth our presidents time.

enjoy the weekend and in the great words of travis shettell:

"put your slippers on instead, and live forever"

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