Tuesday, October 26, 2010


woah woah woah...rach and i just saw paranormal activity 2 and i just got my second dose of anxiety induced heart palpations. if paranormal 1 was an A then paranormal 2 is a strong B+. i do recommend seeing this movie and i do recommend not being home alone after the movie...ooops

as i watch the season opener of the celtics and heat, i now realize why lebron is just so infuriating...its his relentless matching color schemes! the head bands, the bracelets, the mouth guards...the lip stick!

as rachel and i walked into king richards fair this past weekend I couldnt help to think of the south park episode when the class visits a living museum where the employees refuse to break character. i was in awe of people's overall weirdness and enjoyment in pretending to be a knight while they drink mt. dew. by the end of the day, the joust enticed myself and good company to heckle the dark knight and call his mother a wench.

ive decided to take part in my first state election...vote or die!

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