Sunday, July 18, 2010

mile after mile

good evening, or morning if you want to get specific.

tomorrow you can find us on your local nesn channel sitting behind home plate slightly to the left, or first base side for those who are down. as a white sox fan for 16 years i feel kind of like that guy who takes a seat away from a regular church goer on easter sunday. go sox!....of the white variety.

its july and its hot, just prepping for coral springs, thats all.

inception is a movie that i have a need and want to see for a second time as soon as possible. i highly recommend this film to any living, breathing human.

i also recommend eclipse to any teenage girl or boy who is team edward....jacob and his ab's can get lost.

call me old fashioned, but i miss shows and the days before the word "scene" was used entirely too much.

"I designed them and delivered them with reckless abandon"

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