Thursday, June 23, 2011


please see my attempt to capsulize a a different location.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

faith (when i let you down)

you might lose your faith in science.
you might lose faith in wealth.
you might lose your faith in Jesus,
or lose faith in yourself.

but, when I let you down,
look past your doubt.
just, please, please,
don't lose your faith in me.

you could lose faith in music,
or lose faith in your friends.
you could lose your faith in breathing,
feel trapped in your own skin.

but I'll be right there beside you,
when the walls are caving in.
oh, I'm not going anywhere.
But, when I let you down,
look past your doubt.
just please
don't lose your faith in me.
please don't lose your faith in me.

i'm not going anywhere.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

spread hope like fire

obama was here the other day...not actually in my home, but more or less 10 minutes down the street. good God that man knows how to cause a traffic jam. u best keep these roads clear if you want me to obama it rather than romney it next year sir....speaking of politics, i hope lincoln chaffee is doing well in ri, as i voted for him and then moved to north carolina. i apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

tonight is game 7 of the stanley cup finals, and the boston bruins are "this" close. i will be routing for them, and realizing that only the red sox are truly the team i have no passion for in new england....speaking of the stanley cup, the playoff beards at game 7 of the finals are so manly that i feel insignificant in my need to only shave twice a week. the stanley cup, i find to be one of the more coveted championships in american sport (mlb, nfl, nhl, nba). i find the stanley cup and world series to be the difinitive champions competition. the super bowl can be won by nearly anybody on a hot streak come jan-feb. and the nba finals are pretty much determined before the season begins. go bruins, and go chisox.

keep a breast
...for reals

is it just me of is the canadian national anthem a much better song than our own anthem?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

ancient code of ethics

todays blog comes at you with rants of music, sports, movies, and pretty much the usual things that i tend to blog about.

i know im ab 5 years late for this bandwagon, but, dance gavin dance (please, at least give it till .25 in) has been on heavy rotation in the apartment this week, and makes me dissapointed that i missed out on the "i knew them before you did" rights.

in 85 days i will be 9th row, left center, taking in the sounds of blink-182 for the the 9th time. not to say that this is any grounds for bragging, but in my totally is.

377 days until i become a mrs. better start figuring out my brides maids....thank God for that movie.

as the temperature drops to 85 today im trying to keep the a/c off as long as possible...its 1030am and im about to give in.

i think i might go see xmen first class today. but with a 6th grade education of professor x and the xmen, i find it hard not to be a cynical jabrone throughout the entire "film". i did enjoi the hangover 2, and yes, i did like it more than the 1st, which i find to be one of the more overrated films in recent years....God he's so emo.

the chisox are 5.5 back, that will be all for them today.

my golf game improves by each carolinian minute. i challenge all takers to a 9 for 9 morning/afternoon.

writers block has settled in, and i will bid you ado.