Sunday, December 19, 2010

happy holidays, you...

happy holidays, you...

to quote the great blink-182

xmas season is in full swing, and i have yet to finish my xmas shopping. xmas is that time of year, where presents are exchanged amongst people that u see consistently throughout the year, and enjoying the company of one another throughout the year is a gift enough, or its that time of the year where u exchange presents with the people you only see once a year, and seeing each other for that one moment should be a gift in its self.

but who doesnt like presents?

scrooged, jingle all the way, and christmas vacation are 3 xmas movies that should be on anybodys xmas viewing list.

my immune system has been on the fritz and so has my computer...curses!

did u know that diddy diry money isnt p diddys new name? but rather a group? im getting too old for diddy and his antics.

merry christmas to you and your friends and family. i hope its stress free and you get that turbo man your father promised you on christmas eve morning.