Wednesday, September 22, 2010

soap box

happy football season! the pats are 1-1, and the latter 1 could not be to a worse opponent...grrrrr.

and now for my sports soap box...

to start, i am anti, new englanders who are anti-tom brady. i know his hair is freakin sweet, and he dumped his girlfriend/fiance/wife/whatever for a super model, but tom brady is a future legend, not only here in the northeast, but throughout the country. so please, pay your respects to tom bieb......brady.

congratulations to the minnesota have clinched the AL centeral, and made the chisox stink more than manny's hair. so i wish you luck in getting sweeped by the rays, yanks, or rangers in the divisional series.

and now for my music soap box...

when i listen to "terrible things" debut album, featuring fred (of the color fred, and formerly of tbs) and andy (r.i.p. hot rod circuit), it brings me back to a better time of emo, circa 2002, when keyboards, drum machines, and hip hop samples were close to non existant. this album is, by far, the most solid emo/pop-punk album i have heard in a number of years, i highly recomend to any who take my music taste with a grain of all i have to do is make myself enjoy the band "mae" enough for me to justify to see terrible things as an opener at the middle east, wish me luck.

speaking of concerts, whats a justifiable reason to attend a ke$ha concert? i really need one.

and now for my everything soap box...

visiting maine with rachel a few weeks back, makes me long for a life that involves minimal traffic, mountains and pumpkinhead brews. when the job search commences, maine shall be a tour stop.

rachel and i will be attending the big e this weekend with good company. theres something about the smell of cow crap that truly makes me feel good inside.

i recommend seeing "the town" need to rob a bank and live in charlestown, ma has never been greater.

ive decided to route for the florida panthers once again...after driving through their parking lot, while in fort lauderdale i felt "the beezer"'s spirit running through me. in this attempt ive decided to try out fantasy hockey with half a heart....God knows i cant count on espn for hockey education.

i think ive soap boxed all that i can....goodnight