Sunday, January 3, 2010


and a decade has passed. it seems like just yesterday we were scared of Y2K and stood outside ATM machines at midnight hoping for some kind of computer malfunction that would result in thousands to be spit out uncontrollably.

its cold, its snowy, and its january. i am not yet sick of the winter, but could have a completly different point of view come a few weeks.

lettuce (let us) welcome emma keane mcgovern into the world. a healthy baby girl brought into the world on 12/30/09 by brian and julie mcgovern, congratulations.

does it count as TRUELY beating new super mario bros. wii if you only beat level 8, yet, not finish the secret level 9? i think not....more goombas to come.

forget the decade, something much more important passed this past new years eve. rachel and i celebrated our second year together....and i truely believe the kind words of michael buble, when he sings:

"the best is yet to come"