Friday, March 20, 2009

reckless abandon...

happy friday, the work week is over, and the weekend has begun...and im kickin it off with a kickin blog!

this makes me happy...

this scares me...

so i have to come clean...i have been an avid idol watcher this season, and if adam lambert doesnt take the crown then im seacrest OUT.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


woah woah woah...what in the world is going on here? "my kisses taste like tacos" is no more?

indeed my friend....indeed. after approximately 5 years of blogging in the internet sensation known as "my kisses taste like tacos", i have decided to move next door to a nicer place known as "an attempt to capsulize a feeling"...for all of you non-emo'ers out there, the name was borrowed and altered from straylight run's "mistakes we knew we were making". the original, of course, states "a failed attempt to capsulize a feeling". trying not to be a negative nancy, i simply took out the "failed" and looked foward to my blogging future

why would i put a hault to one of the best things ever to happen to the internet u ask? to simply put was time. i know there will be many broken hearts and many lost hours of your free time, but rest assure...its still here...just with a different name and a new color scheme. over the past 5 years my likes and dislikes have changed, my thoughts and opinions have changed, and my use of the "f-word" has dramatically decreased. id be lieing if that 4 letter word never left my lips, but the internet is no place for such persistent blog is now rated pg-13.
